Clear choice: the most active driving car in this three comparison is the BMW 5 series.Back to something offer more space as its Vorg?nger the new, but the l?sst show only with the Ma?band. Gef?HLT ranges offer, but not as ?ppig as 4.92 M Au?enl?nge hope it can be. In the BMW, it is more convenient, in the rear, but the fluctuation cockpit does a more forward. Mercedes K?rzester in comparison, offers all in all the best Raumgef?hl. Part one our driving program is a closed handling course, ideal for exploring and romp. It's raining in Italy in Str?men even, what tends to deteriorate the situation regarding Stra?enlage. The Audi ?berzeugt straight off the smooth running of the new V6 TDI engine. To fit the subtle Schaltvorg?nge of the dual-clutch transmission. Impressive how gently the vonstattengeht now. This is less f?r the start stop sliding to geh?rt: when the stop sch?ttelt to diesel sp?rbar, more than the also start-stop-controlled BMW diesel. On the slopes the currently st?rkste A6 TDI presses sharply ahead, not least thanks to the serienm??igen quattro drive. Impress much grip and huge Stabilit?t in the fast corners. Since the new A6 can significantly more than the old, the 19-inch R?der nat?rlich help him. The engine is now somewhat later in the chassis, the Central differential of the quattro heads 60 percent normally force for rear ? also noticeable is positive. However in the wet, narrow radii bug of A6 dr?ngt congenital Kopflastigkeit still ? with sporty driving hartn?ckig straight. Only who turns on the "sport" mode and then fr?h and kr?ftig on the gas rises, can here the heck out of the calm and correct the course. But this does not always succeed. Normally dominated Gef?hl of high driving safety course. Controlling with electric Servounterst?tzung operates pleasantly directly and pr?zise, while gef?hlsarm. Da d?rfte even more feedback r?berkommen.

Sensitive: The hydraulic steering E class is the most feedback. after change in the 5 one is then immediately obvious: the more agile, driving aktivere car comes as BMW, especially as here in conjunction with the option "Adaptive Drive" (variable Sto?d?mpfer, active roll compensation). His 258 HP cylinder gurgling louder, breathes freely as the TDI in the Audi and is happier. Steering responds feinf?hliger, draws more readily into the corners, l?sst themselves with the accelerator also as all cycling ("xDrive") easily and like to manipulate in its cornering. With its 18-inch R?dern our example in the Kr?mmungen of the wet runway is fr?her however, in terms of Seitenf?hrung at the end. Mercedes: no athletes in the streamlined "avant-garde" version, but still enjoyable. With the 17-inch serienm??igen R?dern no State is on the handling course, especially since it lacks the Hecktriebler at N?sse at grip. And invite the heartier body movements to the extreme driving. But he moves v?llig easily and playfully and its hydraulic steering gives us that pinch Gef?hl that happens the electric garnierten systems at Audi and BMW. Happy is the v6 diesel with 265 HP: cultivated, muscular strength and performance more than the Audi Gegenst?ck.
More details about the new Audi A6 and its two luxury competitors BMW 5 series and Mercedes E-class there are in our gallery. The full article with all technical data is available for download in the release archive.