Duel of the pagan

Summit of open driving pleasure: the bleeding BMW 6 series convertible (right) at the first joint exit with his arch-rival Mercedes SL Stuttgart. Are the noble Pl?tze in the Sun now sorted?
By Tomas Jelenia Gora K?nig. ? many as Sonnenk?nig a term ? h?tte carriages like this gesch?tzt. Elegant Luftschl?sser, mond?n, souver?n, Yes, also delightfully decadent and ma?los in their splendor. The open Rivalit?t encourages to BMW and Mercedes regelm??ig to H?henfl?gen. And there are indeed worse fates than to take the wind in the sail here in Italy under the still jungfr?ulichen Fr?hlingssonne in the new 6 Series Convertible. What have the Bavaria built as f?r a castle. Almost f?nf meter long, massive, repr?sentativ, stretched, elegant as a Coup?. More Gran Turismo as a sports car, as the AUTO agree page editors from all over Europe, that fresh air breathe with us these days around Rome. Downright dainty, the SL is next to it. ?BER 30 cm k?rzer, a classic Sch?nheit of inviolable Qualit?t, matured in peace. Is he really ten? He is, and he is getting better and better. A very stiff St?ck sports car with legend?rer letter combination at the rear. Two years ago facial merged this with a jagged sport rowing of verj?ngt (integral active steering), which gives the two-seater Leichtf??igkeit and sense of touch, as we it actually by BMW expected h?tten. Now the open is 6, God forbid, anything but a beh?bige plate collection. But clearly ?ber two tons Wohlstandsmasse and a wheelbase, in which a smart parking k?nnte, nat?rlich l?sen not in air on. Not even at the ambitious carving to curves. Although shrinks the Bayer driving to gef?hlt a class and also quite amazing dance moves on it has, he can keep the physics to fool but not fully. He is just an ordinary calibre.
Openly and honestly: The Mercedes SL waives the rear seats of alibi. that ?ndert also the brilliant V8 little, the 407 Vollbl?ter gallop, with a gosh from the exhaust pipes that you heart patients actually seriously advise m?sste against the purchase. Certainly h?tte is some fan as rather a Chief Dynamicist gew?nscht in the tradition of racy Z8, but here a pleasure L?cke there is BMW until further notice. As ?brigens also with Mercedes, which the repr?sentativen appearance between Monaco and Abu Dhabi on the Bavaria ?berlassen and forgo a gro?es four-seater convertible. Guests l?sst at this point nat?rlich also ?ber fight the term four-seater. The rear leather cases in the 6 series (steep back, no knee room) are in any case silly. None of my colleagues moved seriously considering, there l?nger as f?r to stay a photo with a short exposure time. The sense of city Sonnenb?nke erschlie?t to me anyway is difficult.
W?hrend 6 and SL front thanks to schr?ger disk and all kinds of wind barriers the Bude to far in the 200-region almost sturmfrei keep, already it takes off a back in the BMW on the Landstra?e the socks. And so entbl??t, are not elegant figure more from even a Sonnenk?nig.
Technical data BMW 650i convertible V8, TwinPower Turbo, front l?ngs ? four valves per cylinder ? engine 4395 cm? ? power 300 kW (407 PS) at 5500 RPM ? Max torque 600 nm at 1750 RPM ? rear of ? eight levels of automatic of ? tyres 245 / 45 R 18 Y ? L/W/H 4894/1894/1365 mm ? wheelbase of 2855 mm ? tank 70 l ? trunk 300?350 l ? unladen weight 2015 kg ? top 250 km/h of ? 0?100 km/h in 5.0 s ? consumption (EU-mix) 10.7 l Super ? CO2 249 g / km ? price 94,300 Euro
Technical data Mercedes SL 350 V6, front l?ngs ? four valves per cylinder ? engine cm? ? performance 232 3498 kW (316 HP) at 6500 RPM ? Max torque 360 nm at 4900 RPM ? rear of ? seven levels of automatic of ? tires 255 / 45 R 17 W ? L/W/H 4562/1820/1317 mm ? wheelbase of 2560 mm ? tank capacity of 80 l ? trunk 235?339 l ? Weight 1825 kg ? top 250 km/h of ? 0?100 km/h in 6.2 s ? consumption (EU-mix) 9.7 l Super ? CO2 226 g / km ? price 88.417 euro