Sharp poultry

 From Biederm?nnern were in the 80s of pl?tzlich arsonist: Mercedes 190, BMW 3 series and Ford Sierra factory fit made f?r the track. To get its true I on the track, we have the BMW M3, Mercedes 190 E 2.5-16 Evo II and Ford Sierra RS Cosworth on a closed circuit tasted.
By Jurgen von Gosen Mercedes 190: He was fat fat cats swing, but a 4.43 metres short car the first really small Mercedes after 1945. None. But no really f?rs heart. The ?nderte suddenly in May of the year 1984. When Ayrton Senna on a 190 Vierventiler won the Er?ffnungsrennen of new N?rburgrings. It was the actual birth of sports cars. Clearly, Alfa Romeo and BMW sports car had built to already l?nger. But with this extremely hot gew?rzten of the work sedan Mercedes in the Gro?serie entered real Neuland. A half a year sp?ter was two point three line 16 in the shop Windows. With 185 HP f?r 49.590 d-mark. Due to the racing we have this powerhouse. Because the Stuttgart in the German Touring Car Championship wanted to stay, they had to bring at least 5000 times on the Stra?e a production car in the same.
Rear wing as a status symbol - the 80's gesellschaftsfahig they made.Made the beginning of the 190s, Ford followed a year sp?ter with the Sierra, and BMW moved in 1986 with the 3 series. Ford f?r forced ventilation decided differently as Mercedes with a naturally-aspirated four cylinder engine. A turbocharger blew the small two liter four Vierventiler the March, stately 204 PS lie?en the Daimler behind hecheln. But otherwise the K?lner box shot down the bird. The Heckfl?gel was a monster-stabs that so not suited to the ?blichen Ford Verst?ndnis. The Cossie seemed a backyard workshop sprung ? which we do it tats?chlich wrong. Because what had made the British racing forge from Papas Sierra Cosworth, was a blast.
Despite the highest performance, the Mercedes can not shed the BMW and Ford.BMW drove on Mercedes course (cylinder 16V aspirator), was the 3 series but st?rker the sheet. The Kotfl?gel were pulled out, the rear window was made flatter and screwed a Fl?gel at the rear. The M3 was born ? with 200 (without Kat) or 195 PS he went leistungsm??ig between the two rivals. Now that should Wettr?sten start ? on the Stra?e f?r the track. 1988 Mercedes countered with more displacement and 195 HP (2.5-16), a year sp?ter followed up BMW with 215 HP, after Ford had placed the bar since 1987 on 224 PS (Cosworth RS 500). Mercedes and BMW set the end 1990 with 235 (190 E 2.5-16 Evo II) and 238 PS (M3 sport Evo). Fascinating cars was at a time when the entire world in a State of flux. Farewell to the cold war, beginning a new era. Performance is worthwhile, consumption played no major role. Genie?en with us three times extra sharp Gefl?gel of the 80s: BMW M3, Ford Sierra RS Cosworth and Mercedes 190 E 2.5-16 Evo II. strong characters are all three sports cars. To get its true I on the track, have we tasted it on a closed circuit. V?llig clear: the last Qu?ntchen have we not out crushed. From AWE and respect the old masters gegen?ber. The everyday rating is hardly a role for this comparison. With it again ?berraschungen are... Spa?faktor: With a faustdicken ?berraschung shifts the Sierra zun?chst at the top. Not the muscle from Stuttgart wins the Sprint Championship, the underdog from K?ln schl?gt his prominent rivals. The Mercedes is in the paper of the St?rkste, dragging around and 138 K?logramm more weight. At the sound of the 190s is strong in scene. The four cylinder robust sounds like au?en like a real racing engine. G?nsehaut! The M3 growls rather restrained, pleasing to the ear but with screams R?cheln. And the Ford plays the Proll here. The Nachr?stanlage grollt with deep bass, but annoying in the long term. Full marks f?r the Klasse-handling of 3. No one is to conduct such as the BMW so playfully. The Mercedes is ?hnlich souver?n, but not quite so leichtf??ig. Anders Ford. The straight exit loves the Sierra. The faster it goes the st?rker it sucks out on the track. He wants to be, however, forced into fast curves. The soft front axle drives him only after au?en.
The scoring makes the overall winner of the Mercedes to the fun, the Ford to the comfort and the BMW.Cuddle factor: Athlete agrees ?ben disclaimer. But our three candidates are not flat asphalt files. More than just heat the k?nnen. So take a seat. BMW and Mercedes with class sports Gest?hl in the first series, where it is not uncomfortable even after hours. The Ford offers also sporty Recaro M?bel of first G?te. How it ?berhaupt in this chapter gl?nzen can. And this is due in particular to the relatively soft suspension. Despite the 17-inch nachger?steten R?der with 215/245er tyres quite well absorb the Sierra, swallows the ?belsten L?cher good away and b?gelt clean out smaller bumps. Slightly firmer to f?hlt the BMW without hard work. His spring D?mpfer vote is perfectly f?r the sporting ride, which is also a gentle pace. Very different the 190s. His motto: no compromises. You have taken a sports car, so live also. And to geh?ren Schl?ge in the R?ckenmark. Odd: This bully has most place if times the whole family on tour wants to go. Not to mention the zus?tzlichen back T?ren. There must be no one reinqu?len.
Envy factor: What tells us the sight of these three Sportkanonen? Mercedes is the bitter exotic with lovers value, Ford of the braggart from a different class and BMW the honest skin. What is niederschl?gt in the Qualit?tsbeurteilung. The M3 is from a casting, which dealt with two other like with Botox. The Evo after all sorgf?ltig manufactured and designed consistently for racing, the Cosworth rather Loveless wool. The PunktewertungBMW M3Mercedes 190 E Evo IIFord Sierra RS Cosworth